Quote Connections





Out of this thinglink, I think the photo in the upperright hand corner has the most interesting connections. It is a deep quote that has a lot of emotion and these are the things I connected it with.


One of the overpowering themes of this qoute is the idea of loss and betrayal. The qoute is said in Artie’s comic, in which he is angry and depressed because his mom died. The loss is shown when Artie says “you left me” in the qoute. We see that he feels like he is alone now. The bars represent the betrayal that he feels happened to him. He says “you left me here to take the rap”, which shows his anger and frustration at her death. This theme is shown throughout the entire book up until the end as we see that loss begin to unfold when he argues with his dad. When Artie is talking to his girlfriend, he explains that he had a better relationship with his mother throuhgout the book. Even though he wrote the comic strip about her loss when he ws young, it has always stuck with him and has often caused him to become angry or argue with his dad.

Connection: Shawshank Redemption

One of the biggest connections that this qoute can be connected to is the Shawshank Redemption. In the movie, the main charachter was imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. Much like Artie’s feelings in Maus, he feels alone and betrayed while being in prison. While Artie didn’t break out of a prison at the end of the story, his accountance of hs father’s story hepled him to break down a lot of the hate and grudges between him and his father.

Connection: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

In Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief, Percy, the main charachter; was left with his mother as a child. He is angry with his father when he finds out that he is a god. Not only is he distant from his father, he is also in a disliked minority, being one of the only people in the story who can control the sea. This is similar to Artie, who often feels he doesn’t understand why his father acts the way he does. Both charachters are in minorities in the places they live, and they both are trying to understand why their parents act the way they do. This lesson also carries over into real life as many people have a distant reltionship with a relative or parent in their family. This all ties back to the quote because Artie’s frustration with his father started when his mother committed suicide, much like Percy’s frustration began when his father left him as a young child.

Connection: Hawaii Five O

In Hawaii Five O, the main charachter discovers that his mother is alive after thinking she was dead for years. Later in the show, we see his anger towards his mother because she hid and never told anyone that she was alive. This situation happens in reverse with Artie and his mother. He didn’t know that she was depressed and it shocked him when she died.

To Conclude on Theme

All in all, these connections simply help to drive home the point of how universal the idea and theme of loss and betrayal is. This theme can be found in almost every story and there could be a million connections given on this page. That is why this quote given is very powerful and speaks to every part of the story.